
Laplace m startrail
Laplace m startrail

laplace m startrail laplace m startrail

The mass loss during fission of small asteroids might significantly influence the overall collisional evolution of the belt. According to our model, the rotational fission of small asteroids is a very frequent event and might explain objects like P/2010 A2 and its associated tail of millimeter-sized dust particles. This is a dynamical evolution different from tumbling and it lasts until a large impact takes the body to a faster rotation rate. In particular, an excess of slow rotators is produced in the model with both collisions and YORP because bodies driven to slow rotation by YORP have a random walk-like evolution of the spin induced by repeated collisions with small projectiles. A better match to observations is obtained with respect to the case in which only YORP is considered. Using a Monte Carlo method we model the formation of a steady state population of small asteroids under the influence of both mechanisms and the rotation rate distribution is compared to the observed one as derived from Pravec et al. It also is possible to output images of the growing startrails and afterwards include them into the movie. Create uncompressed AVI-Video files in high resolution. Includes advanced 'lighten-screen-blend' mode to reduce gaps and a 'falling stars' mode. These mechanism act differently depending on the size of the bodies and give rise to non-linear effects when they both operate. Create stunning Startrail-images by just a few clicks. The rotation rate distribution of small Main Belt asteroids is dominated by YORP and collisions. Theĭust distribution was similar during these two events, with dust grainsĬovering at least the 1-1000 20 days, possibly as the result of a collision with a small impactor. Short, shorter than the temporal resolution of our observations (about 1d). TheĬhanges of activity level and the activity peaks were extremely sharp and Two peaks of activity around 2013 June 14+/-10d and 2013 July 22+/-3d.

laplace m startrail

A detailed Finson-Probstein analysis of deep NTT andĬFHT images indicated that the object was active since at least late JanuaryĢ013 until the time of the latest observations in 2013 September, with at least Rotational light curve, with an amplitude < 0.05mag and a double-peaked R-i = 0.23+/-0.06, typical for an S-class asteroid. Its nuclear radius to be r < 0.25-0.29km, and its colours g-r = 0.58+/-0.05 and 05 using the CFHT, NTT,ĬA 1.23m, Perkins 1.8m (Lowell), and the 0.6m TRAPPIST telescopes. 2013, displaying a cometary tail,īut with orbital elements typical for a member of the inner asteroid Main Belt. P/2013 P5 PANSTARRS was discovered in Aug.

Laplace m startrail